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How to stabilise vegetable drinks naturally

  • Beta-glucans provide stability to vegetable drinks, improve mouthfeel, add creaminess and facilitate emulsification, and help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • From Alifarma we discover PromOat, a natural and functional solution that allows you to obtain a vegetable drink with better organoleptic properties and clean labelling.

Plant-based drinks are the most widely consumed plant-based products in Spain. We are facing a change in mentality and in the type of consumer, who is increasingly demanding and looking for healthy options that adapt to their lifestyle. The food industry is moving forward in response to these new demands and adapting its formulations with the use of ingredients that are as clean & clear as possible. Fibre rich in beta-glucans is positioned as a very interesting ingredient in the development of plant-based beverages and is in line with current trends. On Alifarma we work with PromOatA natural and versatile solution from our represented Lantmannen that allows us to obtain a drink with a better mouthfeel, creamy and easily emulsifiable... Read on!

The report 'Spain: a survey of the retail market for plant-based foods' by the international non-profit organisation The Good Food Institute shows that plant-based foods in our country constitute a market worth 447.4 million euros, and plant-based drinks as an alternative to milk are by far the fastest growing product. Along these lines, the first edition of the Observatorio de Consumo de la Alimentación plant-based en España' (Observatory of plant-based food consumption in Spain).conducted in 2022, found that 31.21 PT3T of respondents consumed plant-based foods or drinks every day, while 35.11 PT3T consumed them three to four times a week. The most consumed are soy, oat and almond drinks. Nearly 6 out of 10 consumers in Spain choose plant-based foods or beverages every day. plant based because they consider them to be healthier. To this must be added those who choose them because of intolerances to certain foods and because of their impact on the planet. Faced with this public demand, the industry is working to improve developments that will allow them to offer better products and a wider range of options.

The importance of beta-glucan and soluble fibre

Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fibre found naturally in oats and barley. Numerous studies show that consuming at least 3 g/day of beta-glucan on a regular basis, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. As highlighted by the Spanish Heart FoundationThe effect on blood cholesterol is greatest when ingested as part of oat beta-glucan-enriched liquids.

In the process of making oat drink, enzymes are usually added to remove the beta-glucans that the cereal naturally contains. The main function of these enzymes is to hydrolyse the insoluble fibre, which destabilises the drink and makes it difficult to process. Only soluble fibre is rich in beta-glucans (approximately 25%).

From Alifarma we recommend PromOata solution of our represented Lantmannen that allows us to obtain a drink high in beta-glucans as it is a soluble 100% flour.

Functional and healthy

Functionality is essential in product development and, in this case, beta-glucans serve four essential purposes:

  • They bring stability to the drink.
  • Improve mouthfeel.
  • They add creaminess.
  • Facilitate emulsion (foamable for coffee).

At the same time, it is a healthy component. Beta-glucans contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels, a health claim authorised by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

A natural and versatile choice

The option we propose with Lantmanen is very interesting as it is highly soluble, resistant to digestive enzymes and an allergen-free component. It is a natural and versatile option, which enhances the overall sensory experience of the product.

  • Clean label: This is a vegetable ingredient from oats, a known and reliable source for the consumer.
  • Superior texturising performance: it has an emulsifying function improving the viscosity, creaminess and stability of the product.
  • Nutritional value: it is a soluble fibre and has EFSA-approved health claims.
  • Versatility: it can be applied in a wide range of products, including soups, sauces, dressings, bakery products and much more. From improving mouthfeel in drinks and plant-based yogurts to optimising texture in gluten-free baked goods.

From Alifarma we have found that the use of PromOat has multiple advantages in its application in the manufacture of vegetable beverages, as well as in other product ranges. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact Please contact us for more information on this solution. Our specialists will be able to advise you and accompany you in the process of applying and improving existing products or designing new ones.

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