Turbidity analysis in juices
Solve your juice turbidity problems in less than 24 hours.
Avoid interruptions and reprocessing in the manufacture of your fruit juices and save the costs derived from the loss of raw material. We will analyse the cause of the origin of the turbidity and propose specific solutions to ensure the quality of your final product.
Contact with AlifarmaDiagnostics with solution, uninterrupted production
The variability of fruit quality between seasons, possible contamination or the application of non-optimised enzymatic treatments often leads to an increase in turbidity in the juices: a quality indicator for manufacturers, customers and consumers.
The overdosing of enzymes to improve their stability is not always efficient as a generic solution, so it is essential to diagnose the root of the problem in order to treat it with a specific and effective solution that reduces the time it takes to act.
Possible causes of turbidity in juices
Associated problems of turbidity in juices
Ideal for fruit and vegetable juice manufacturers

Fruit and vegetable juices
Fruit and vegetable juice concentrates
Fruit and vegetable juice precipitates
Find the cause of turbidity in your juices in less than 24 hours.
Share your case with us and we will plan customised tests with you.
Contact AlifarmaAn agile service adapted to your production process
Personalised study and planning
Based on the problems encountered (high turbidity, drop in production performance) and the type of matrix, we define the type of tests and establish an agreed timetable for the execution of the tests.
Initial characterisation and assessment of sample quality
Once we receive the sample, we characterise the properties of the juice: brix degrees, pH and turbidity (NTU). We perform rapid tests to determine the type of macromolecule found in the juice (pectin test, ethanol test and acetone test) and purify the sample by centrifugation to facilitate subsequent staining with specific reagents.
Evaluation of the results and proposed solution
We analyse the battery of subsamples subjected to microscopic staining and prepare a report compiling all the information gathered in the tests. Finally, a recommendation is made for the use and dosage of specific enzymes to solve the turbidity problems identified. From the reception of the samples to the sending of the final report, 24 hours will have elapsed.
Frequently asked questions about juice turbidity service
In your analysis, can you test for micro-organisms?
No, with our system and equipment, we will only identify whether yeast is present or not.
What kind of macromolecules can be distinguished with your methodology?
We can differentiate the presence of pectins, proteins, carbohydrates and/or beta-glucans.
How much sample is needed to be able to perform a turbidity analysis?
We need a minimum juice volume of 500ml (at 12 brix). We can also process directly the precipitate (minimum 50g) or more concentrated juices that we will dilute in our process.